
Xi'an Jinzang Energy Technology Co., LTD
Date:2023-08-03    Author:    Source:    hit:773

Xi'an Jinzang Energy Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Xi'an Jinzang Membrane Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., was established on July 21, 2022. Located in Fengdong New City Collaborative Innovation Port, Xixian New District, Shaanxi Province.


Scope of Business:

Metal ore sales; Sales of high-purity elements and compounds; Sales of chemical products; Engineering and technical research and experimental development; Research and development of resource recycling technology; Research and development of new material technology; Solid waste management; Production line management services; Import and export of goods; Import and export agents, etc.

广灵县| 张家口市| 平舆县| 布拖县| 邹平县| 昌平区| 上思县| 吉木乃县| 连州市| 喀什市| 孙吴县| 文成县| 金溪县| 巧家县| 肃南| 塘沽区| 东港市| 巢湖市| 遂川县| 田林县| 雷州市| 义马市| 方城县| 黄骅市| 泾阳县| 涟水县| 连平县| 武川县| 梧州市| 边坝县| 吉安市| 布拖县| 武安市| 安国市| 射阳县| 邹平县| 平顶山市| 维西| 裕民县| 富蕴县| 景泰县|