
  • Chen Licheng

    Chen Licheng, Bachelor of Advanced Engineering, majoring in Environmental Science and Engineering Research, Development and Application of Wastewater Recycling Technology; Development and application of membrane separation technology; Intellectual property protection. ?...

  • Nie Yunhong

    Nie Hongyun (February 1983-), female, whose work and achievements during her doctoral studies can be summarized in the following aspects: (1)Research on microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants; (2) Microbial fermentation flocculants and their cationic modification; (3) Adapting organic chemistry textbooks; Based on the above work, a total of 4 SCI papers and 1 EI paper have been published; 2 authorized invention patents, 2 conference papers, 1 accepted patent, 2 SCI papers submitted, and a cumulative impact factor of 9.025 for SCI papers published. ?...

  • Gong Feixian

    Gong Feixiang, born in September of 1983, is the Associate Professor and Master’s Supervisor of School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, XAUAT. Educational History: Graduated from Shaanxi Normal University, majoring in chemistry; Graduated from Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in organic Chemistry; Occupational History: Worked in Northwest Institute For Non-ferrous Metal Research from 2011.07 to 2012. Worked in Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Shaanxi Petrochemical Research and Design Institute from July 2012 to August 2018; Working in School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, XAUAT from April 2018 to to till. Major projects presided over: ① National Natural Science Foundation Of China Youth Project, Project Leader, Project No.: 51403174. ② Yanchang Group Technology Project, Project Leader, Project No.: Ycsy2015sfzs-a-1. ③ Youth Project Of Shaanxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation, Project Leader, Project No.: 2014jq6222. ④ Shaanxi Province Youth Science And Technology New Star Project, Project Leader, Project No.: 2016 Kjxx-53. ⑤ Shaanxi Provincial Key r & d Plan-Industrial Field, Project Leader, Project No.: 2017 Zdxm-Gy-086. Honors: The Young Star of Science and Technology in Shaanxi Province, 2016. ?...

  • Liu Jiadong

    Liu Jiadong, Doctorate Degree in Environmental Science and Engineering, with the title of Association Professor, is Mainly engaged in the study of Water Treatment Membrane Technology and Air Pollution Control Membrane Technology. He was studying from 2005 to 2009 in College of Environmental Science & Engineering, Hunan University with Bachelor's Degree, and was studying from 2009 to 2014 in School of Environmental Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology with Doctorate’s Degree. ?...

  • Gao Bo

    Gao Bo, a lecturer of School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, XAUAT, was born in Ankang, Shaanxi province, and was born in January 1987. Educational History: He was studying from 2005 to 2009 in College of Environmental Science & Engineering, Hunan University, majored in environment engineering, and was recommended to enter Dalian University of Technology to study for a doctoral degree in 2009, and was studying under the guidance of Professor Liu Lifen and Yang Fenglin to for Doctorate’s Degree to 2014. Occupational History: Working as a lecture in Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology from 2014 to till; As a Post-doctoral researcher in Lappeenranta University of Technology from 2016 to till. ?...

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