
Strong alliance, win-win cooperation | Xi’an Gold-In Membrane and Atlas signed a project cooperation agreement
Date:2023-08-03    Author:    Source:    hit:917

On April 28, 2023, Xi'an Gold-In Membrane Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xi'an Gold-In Membrane") and Atlas International Resources Group (hereinafter referred to as "Atlas") held a project cooperation signing ceremony. Wang Lei, Chairman of Xi’an Gold-In Membrane, and Fan Yujun, Chairman of Atlas Group, signed a cooperation agreement on the Mashgar Salt Lake Project in Pakistan on behalf of the two companies respectively, so as to realize the complementary advantages of both sides and establish a mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation relationship. At the same time, the project has also been highly valued by the governments of China and Pakistan.


Xi’an Gold-In Membrane, together with Atlas, has jointly developed Mashgar Salt Lake in Pakistan, which has gained 350km 2 The salt lake is a large lake type/underground brine type lithium deposit located in Pakistan. The lowest point of the salt lake is usually filled with high salt water or very close to the groundwater level, with an elevation of 494 meters. Through on-site investigation, it was found that the salt lake has a lithium content of 150-383ppm and a potassium content of 5710-7340ppm. After inspection, it was found that the salt lake is highly similar to elements related to known lithium and boron commercial mining deposits in other parts of the world, as well as ultra large deposits in Bolivia and Chile, further proving that the lithium exploration prospects of the Mashgar salt lake are very good.


At the signing ceremony, Wang Lei, chairman of Xi’an Gold-In Membrane, said that this project is a high-quality project of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation for both Xi’an Gold-In Membrane and Atlas, and both sides will strengthen coordination and efficient cooperation to ensure that the project construction is carried forward orderly according to the time nodes. Fan Yujun, Chairman of Atlas, expressed the hope that after this signing, both parties would work together to make full use of the relevance and complementarity of their main businesses and jointly promote the development of cooperation projects.


Xi’an Gold-In Membrane actively responds to the national the Belt and Road policy by taking advantage of its multiple technological advantages. Today's completion of the signing also marks that Xi’an Gold-In Membrane has completed the upgrading from a technology-based enterprise to a "technology+resources" enterprise, which not only extends the length of the industrial chain but also broadens the width of the industrial chain.

In the future, both parties will fully leverage their respective advantages and rely on high-quality industrial resources to create a strategic partnership of common development, strong alliance, complementary advantages, and win-win cooperation, further enhancing the company's competitiveness in the market and creating greater commercial value for the enterprise.

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