
Important Literature Review Regarding Ion Separation Published In "Angelwandte Chemie International Edition"
Date:2023-02-06    Author:    Source:    hit:882

A latest review titled "Selective Ion Transport in Two Dimensional Lamellar Nanochannel Membranes" was published by our Institute in Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2022 Impact factor: 16.823, SCI District 1, Top). The first author of this paper is Professor Wang Jin from Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, and the corresponding author is Professor, the team leader, with participation of Master student Zhou Huijiao and doctoral student Li Shangzhen. The research is sponsored by the National Key R&D Program, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, etc, and great supports have also been provided by Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Membrane Separation Technology and the Environmental engineering Key Laboratory of Shaanxi Province.

Ion separation in an accurate and fast manner is of great significance for many key technologies in the fields of environment, resources, and energy. From salt lake lithium extraction and seawater desalination and other major projects in the national economic battlefield, to micro nano-fluid generators, their efficiency depends on the selective transmission process of ions. However, because the characteristic size of ions is generally in the sub-nanometer level, how to achieve the rapid passage of target ions while ensuring the effective interception of companion ions is still extremely challenging. In practical applications, the complex water quality environment increases the difficulty of efficient ion separation. In recent years, with the continuous breakthroughs in the field of nanomaterials, it has promoted the study of ion transport behavior under nano-confined conditions, bringing new possibilities for the development of advanced ion separation technologies, among which the construction of nanochannel membranes through parallel stacking of two-dimensional nanosheets has become a hot topic in the field of nanofluid research. Thanks to the diverse physical and chemical properties of two-dimensional materials, precise adjustments can be made to the morphology, size, surface characteristics, and wetting behavior of two-dimensional nanochannels to meet different separation needs.

 Based on the team's own basic research in the direction of ion separation and its application practice in recycling of precious and rare metals in salt lakes over the years, the latest research on ion transport in nano confined channels is reviewed. This review provides an overview of the preparation and structural regulation of two-dimensional nano layered membranes, starting from the basic construction units of nanochannel membranes; Based on this, the influence mechanism of ion transport behavior in nano confined channel membranes was analyzed, especially the physical structure of internal transport paths, surface properties of restricted channels, and the influence of external environment on ion selective transport processes; Then, the application status of two-dimensional nano channel membrane in seawater desalination, Water purification, Recycling and energy collection and conversion is summarized. Finally, the paper discusses the challenges faced in the precise regulation of membrane structure, ion transport mechanism research, and application from both academic and industrial perspectives, providing support for the development of high-performance two-dimensional nanochannel membranes and precise ion separation technologies, and promoting further innovation of two-dimensional nanochannel membranes in various industrial technology fields.

Angelwandte Chemie International Edition is a journal of the German Chemical Society (GDCh). It covers all fields of chemical research and is committed to disseminating high-quality cutting-edge research achievement. It has always been the international core journal in the field of chemical research and continues to maintain its leading position.

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